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Two Genres Project




Similar to my Inquiry-Based Essay, my genre project was designed and catered to parents of students, teachers, and education regulators. This was done because having technology used more often in classrooms starts with these groups of people. Teachers and parents will not push for it because technology is banned or heavily restricted in classrooms, but the regulators will never change their perspective if parents and teachers do not want the change. Thus, using a brochure and advertisement as my genres made the most sense to me since I needed these groups to have a glimpse of the benefits technology can have in a classroom. 

My brochure I think stands out the most from others within its genre. The purpose of a brochure is to inform, and many others try to do this by fitting a lot of information very concisely. This tends to make the brochure dense, so the reader may be disinterested or leave gaining very little. My brochure had a minimalist approach. I briefly stated the technology I was using whether it be phone, iPad, or computer, and used a list to show its benefits. I think this method is more effective than the one I noted earlier because it does not require the reader to soak in a vast amount of information in a short time. 

On the other hand, the advertisement in a way tried to be as simplistic as possible. What I mean by that is that I wanted to show consumers how cheap they could enter the world of the iPad. The reason I wanted it to show the most financially easy method is that most parents may not be able to spend $350 on a whim for their child. Since the iPad has a purpose, there is a deeper meaning behind the purchase. It now feels like an investment instead of a purchase, and this was the purpose of my advertisement, to show adults and aspiring students the entry into using technology in education.